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余磊等:Security Analysis of TBPKI-2 Protocol Based on Minimal Element Theory


Abstract: The strand space model is a hybrid proof method combining theorem proof and protocol trace. It can not only analyze the correctness of security protocol but also be used to construct an attack model and reveal the internal defects of security protocol. Compared with other branches of the theory, the minimal element theory has more detailed and adequate advantages in the process of protocol analysis. For example, the TBPKI-2 protocol is a wireless network authentication protocol. It is optimized based on the PKI mechanism and has specific practical significance. Therefore, based on strand space theory, this paper analyzes the confidentiality and consistency of the protocol by using minimal element theory, accurately finds that the potential hidden danger in the protocol and its root cause is unable to block Man-in-the- Middle Attack, and proposes corresponding improvement suggestions according to the hidden danger and its root cause.

Keywords: Security Analysis; Security Protocol; Strand Space; TBPKI-2 Protocol

